Friday, March 11, 2016

1. What impressed you the most about the East African refugees? Why?
2. Do you know anyone personally who adheres to strict religious practices today? What are your thoughts about people who do? Please explain why you feel that way.
3. When we question God’s will for us, Martin suggests we look for signs of God’s work already present in our lives and in the lives of others. What is one way in which you see God active today?
4. Martin believes the saints should be appreciated for who they are, not simply for what they do. What is the greatest lesson he learned from them? What are some lessons you have learned from saints?

Saturday, March 5, 2016

1. Think about how you respond when learning about your faith. Do you prefer intellectual reasoning or firsthand experiences? Is this true when you learn about other topics?
2. Sometimes it can difficult to understand Church teachings because of the obscure language used. How have you learned about your faith as an adult?
3. Do you believe you have met any saints? What made those individuals holy in your eyes? How have they influenced you?
4. Martin becomes attracted to the “hidden life” of Christ—the life of Jesus before he embarked on his public ministry. How do you imagine that part of Christ’s life?