Wednesday, February 24, 2016

1. We sometimes think the saints were naturally holy and believed without question, but Therese endured a time of darkness in her spiritual life that shook her confidence in heaven and the afterlife. When has your faith wavered? What was your reaction?
2. “We cannot be ourselves unless we know ourselves. But self-knowledge is impossible when thoughtless and automatic activity keeps our soul in confusion,” Thomas Merton wrote in No Man Is an Island. What are some creative ways to incorporate reflection into our sometimes “thoughtless and automatic activity”?
3. Who was instrumental in leading you to your vocation in life? Describe how was he or she was influential.
4. Peter was aware of his own sinfulness and weakness and was humble before the Lord. How does humility fi into your spiritual life?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

1. For Martin, Bernadette symbolizes the need to remain true to one’s own personal vision. When have you felt challenged in that regard?
2. “The Virgin’s messages were simple and sensible: penance, prayer, pilgrimage,” Martin writes of the Virgin Mary’s appearances to Bernadette. What do you believe is the purpose of a pilgrimage? If you have participated in a pilgrimage, can you describe the experience? If you have not, does it seem like an experience you would welcome?
3. In upholding the dignity of each individual, Mother Teresa taught us what is possible between humans. What struck you most about her approach?
4. In general, do you find it easy or difficult to lead a Christian life? Name one thing you find difficult about being a Christian in today’s society, as well as one easy thing about following Christ.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

1. Dorothy Day had an unswerving commitment to nonviolence. What do you feel is the root cause of the culture of violence in our world today? In what ways do you believe you could help effect change in that culture?
2. Feeling grateful for God’s creative action in our lives is a key concept in Ignatian spirituality. Think back over your day. What one thing, person, or event are you are most grateful for today?
3.  Balancing activity with prayer is a constant challenge. Describe your habit of prayer. When and where do you like to pray?
4. Humility, obedience, and surrender marked Arrupe’s work. When have you faced similar choices between submission to authority and staying your personal course? How did it feel? What is the interaction between surrender and faith?