Wednesday, February 24, 2016

4. Peter was aware of his own sinfulness and weakness and was humble before the Lord. How does humility fi into your spiritual life?


  1. I find it necessary for making progress and for being able to help others, but at the same time, difficult to maintain despite the obvious and constant reminders of my sinfulness and weakness.

  2. I spent a lot of my life doing my own thing. I came of age in the '60s, and the world put so much emphasis on being self-reliant. So, I can't say that I was a humble person for a long time. However, as an older adult, I have a much different perspective. I was a Prodigal Daughter, and I am so humbled by God's open and welcome arms, that I can't imagine ever believing that I have any control in my life. I have come to 'see' in such a different way that I know that I am totally beholden to Him. Like Peter, I am so much more aware of my own sinfulness and weakness now. It has made me a more prayerful person that I was in my youth.
