Wednesday, February 24, 2016

4. Peter was aware of his own sinfulness and weakness and was humble before the Lord. How does humility fi into your spiritual life?

1 comment:

  1. I spent a lot of my life doing my own thing. I came of age in the '60s, and the world put so much emphasis on being self-reliant. So, I can't say that I was a humble person for a long time. However, as an older adult, I have a much different perspective. I was a Prodigal Daughter, and I am so humbled by God's open and welcome arms, that I can't imagine ever believing that I have any control in my life. I have come to 'see' in such a different way that I know that I am totally beholden to Him. Like Peter, I am so much more aware of my own sinfulness and weakness now. It has made me a more prayerful person that I was in my youth.
