Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thérèse of Lisieux discovered her vocation—her calling—at a very young age. Describe a time you felt called to a particular direction in your life by God.


  1. I don't think I've ever been just struck like a bolt of lightening...more like hit over the head for a long time before I realize, "oh, yeah, that's what God is saying." For example, when I first started working for the Church, I would tell my children that someday I would get a "real" job. After about twenty years, I finally was able to say that this is my real job and my vocation.

  2. I feel similar to what you describe Maryann. I can't say there's ever been a strong sense in terms of being pulled a particular direction all at once. I feel much that way I guess with my wife and our relationship. We met a little over eight years ago, I told myself at the time we met what could it hurt to go on a date, then we had fun. I was cautious to take my time when dating her, but something inside me felt compelled to learn more about her and what kind of a relationship we could have. I can't say it was one thing that made me say yes, I want to marry her, but it was a lot things both big and small and a lot of decisions over time that made feel like this is someone I could spend my life with, have a family with, grow old with, and most of all trust and love. Someone once told me that love is a decision, one we make every day to love or not to love. It doesn't sound romantic, but I think for me that's what makes love special is the decision to choose to love. I think my relationship with my wife has helped me better understand my relationship with God and making the decision to love others. It's not always easy and sometimes I fail, but then I remember I am loved back and that my mistakes can be forgiven if I seek the forgiveness.
